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Gabriele Sarmento
Porto Alegre, RS

Gabriele Sarmento



Gabriele has been working since 2001 in the patents and industrial designs department, in the national and international cases, with solid experience in descriptions of patent applications, patentability analysis, searches, filing of patent applications and industrial designs.

She taught for 5 years in the disciplines of industrial property and innovation (among others) and worked at the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer at UNIRITTER.

  • Specialist in intellectual property at FADERGS.
  • Master’s with Emphasis on Innovation at UniRitter.
  • Mechanical engineer of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).

  • Gabriele Sarmento da Silva, Márcia Santana Fernandes, Revista D • 4 • 2012.
  • Analysis of the requirements of novelty and originality demanded by the BPTO for design of soles.
  • Análise dos Requisitos de Novidade e de Originalidadeperante o INPI para o Design de Solados.
  • WEEK EXTENSION, RESEARCH AND GRADUATE, 6., 2010, Porto Alegre, RS. Annals. Porto Alegre: UniRitter, 2010. 1 CD-ROM ISBN 978-85-60100-39-2.
  • [Annals of] 6. Extension Week, Research and Post-graduation [electronic resource] / 2010 – Annals of events – Collection 439854.
  • SEMANA DE EXTENSÃO, PESQUISA E PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO, 6., 2010, Porto Alegre, RS. Anais. Porto Alegre: UniRitter, 2010. 1 CD-ROM ISBN 978-85-60100-39-2.
  • [Anais da] 6. Semana de Extensão, Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação [recursoeletrônico] / 2010 – Anais de eventos – Acervo 439854.
  • BISCONSIN, ÉvelynParrilha; SILVA, Gabriele Sarmento da; SPIER, Lucia. Distance education as a means of supporting classroom teaching: new paradigms, the cyberspace and the cyberteacher. In: EXTENSION WEEK, research and postgraduate. (6. 2010. Porto Alegre, RS). In: EXTENSION WEEK, RESEARCH AND POST-GRADUATION, 6., 2010, Porto Alegre, RS. Annals. Porto Alegre: UniRitter, 2010. 9 f.
  • Distance education as a means of supporting classroom teaching [electronic resource]: new paradigms, the cyberspace and the cyberteacher / 2010 – Collection 550233.
  • EAD comoapoioaoensinopresencial [recursoeletrônico] :novosparadigmas, o cyber-espaço e o cyber-professor, A / 2010 – (Trabalho de Evento) – Acervo 550233 BISCONSIN, ÉvelynParrilha; SILVA, Gabriele Sarmento da; SPIER, Lúcia. A EAD comoapoioaoensinopresencial :novosparadigmas, o cyber-espaço e o cyber-professor. In: SEMANA DE EXTENSÃO, pesquisa e pós-graduação. (6. 2010. Porto Alegre, RS). In: SEMANA DE EXTENSÃO, PESQUISA E PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO, 6., 2010, Porto Alegre, RS. Anais Porto Alegre: UniRitter, 2010. 9 f.
  • SILVA, Gabriele Sarmento da. Industrial design: a study on the novelty and originality of soles. Porto Alegre, 2012. 55 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree) – Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis, Post-graduate Course in Design, Porto Alegre, 2012.
  • Industrial design: a study on the novelty and originality of soles / 2012 (Dissertation) – Collection 552299.
  • SILVA, Gabriele Sarmento da. Desenho industrial: um estudo sobre a novidade e aoriginalidade de solados. Porto Alegre, 2012. 55 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis, Curso de Pós-Graduaçãoem Design, Porto Alegre, 2012.

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