Alberto Jeronimo Guerra Neto aka Alberto Guerra is a lawyer with more than 30 years of experience in Intellectual Property field who has consolidated his work primarily in the patent area, having written and/or filed hundreds of patent applications in Brazil and abroad.
Alberto Guerra is graduated in Legal and Social Sciences at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUC/RS in 1997 and he is a graduated specialist (1999) in Industrial Property (Diplôme du Center d’Etdudes Internationales de la Propriété Industrielle – C.E.I.P.I.) at Robert Schumann University.
His work as Legal Director (since 1995), Legal Vice President (2009), Professional Football Director (2018/2019), Professional Football Vice President (2010 and 2016) and now being the current President of Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense has placed him in a unique position in Intellectual Property and Sport matters during the major sporting events that took place in Brazil. During this period, he was one of the Coordinators of the Intellectual Property and Sport Comite of ABPI – Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property and gave several lectures on this field (General Law for the World Cup, Olympic Act Law, Zico Law, Pelé Law, Ambush Marketing and others.
Alberto was President of Associação Leopoldina Juvenil – ALJ (2020 and 2021), being one of the three main social and amateur sports clubs in Brazil, specially tennis, where major national and international tournaments of this modality take place.
He was the founder and the first President (2003/2004) of the Southern Section of ABAPI, the ABAPISUL in 2003.
He also served as Alternate Delegate (2006 to 2011) and as Principal Delegate (2012 to 2017) of Asociación Interamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual – ASIPI.
Alberto was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Intellectual Property Firms – AIPF.
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